Friday, September 27, 2013

Annual EAST Pancake Breakfast @ Applebee's in Springdale!
Please join us!!
Time: 8:00-10:00
Tickets: $5.00 per person

Friday, September 13, 2013

Morning Message!

We have started our day with a morning meeting and message. In our morning meeting, the students sit in a circle and greet each other in a new language, pinky wave or chant for example. We turn knee to knee and eye to eye as we say "good morning" to our neighbor. We are learning so many interesting things about each other. The students also practice making eye contact with each other and listen for the pause to begin their greeting. By the many smiles and laughter, I would suggest the morning message/meeting is a hit in our classroom! :) 

Monday, September 2, 2013

Counting Collections

Counting Collections!!
We have started counting collections in our classroom! The students are working in collaborative groups and being mathematicians. Once they decide the type of collection they want to count, they will then choose how to best count it. Finally, they will record their thinking on paper. Students will have mulitple opportunities to share their strategies with each other in class- we are working to justify our answers using the following word: "because." We will eventually move to placing our work into a number sentence and looking at different ways to be efficient in our counting of collections.
Each student was very careful in choosing their collection and worked as a team this past week!! :)